10 Lifestyle tips to Manage Menopause!
Aug 01, 2022Oh, the thrill of menopause! We are not going to let this normal transition in life get us down.
These steps are not any different than what would be suggested for someone in peri-menopause or trying to feel better overall.
Please don't get overwhelmed and angry that you have yet another task to worry about. That would be counterproductive. I suggest you slowly work these into your life until they become a habit and you shift your mindset to understanding the importance of taking care of yourself and not just taking care of everyone else clamoring for your time and attention. (People pleasers, co-dependent empaths, working moms... you know I am speaking to you.) The body is less forgiving in this season of life and it's smart to adjust accordingly.
Here are 10 ways that we can help ourselves.
1. Eat a variety of anti-inflammatory fats such as Omega 3 fatty acids from fish and avocado.
2. Limit processed foods and sugar.
3. Do not eat carbohydrates that do not have nutritional value and fiber.
4. Have a great sleep schedule.
5. Manage stress through journaling, listening to music, walking in nature, calling a friend, etc.
6. Move your body daily. (add time for stretching, balance and muscle building)
7. Reduce xenoestrogen exposure by buying organic produce and avoiding products with BPA.
8. Reduce the temperature in the room when you sleep at night.
9. Drink lots of water.
10. Consume flax seeds, chick peas, and phytoestrogen foods
I have experimented with eating later at night and eating more sugar and right away feel an increase in hot sweats and bloating. Yes, even I need to push it sometimes but it is a reminder that working healthy habits into your life is necessary and worth it.
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