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body Jan 04, 2018

Oh, the elusive flexibility.  I watch some of these ladies in my barre class looking like Gumby while I feel like I'm in Lamaze class trying to deep breathe through the pain.  Everyone has different starting points and that's ok.  Increasing flexibility is not as hard as it seems.  It just takes time and consistency.  Sounds like a lot of things that are worthwhile, doesn't it?

Here you see two people stretching their quadriceps.  Great for after a long walk or run. 

It is always smart to be warmed up and to only stretch to your ability.  Hold a stretch for at least twenty seconds before moving on.

  Flexible hamstrings help to keep  your lower back from hurting.  This also helps with that heavy feeling we get in the legs from sitting too long or running.


Here are my suggestions for equipment to make things a bit easier.

1.  stretch strap/towel:  Allows the little assist that we all need

2.   pillow or yoga block:  Prop under your buttocks to help with hip openers

3.   Partner:  Double duty as a gentle pusher and support group

Child pose is great for stretching the lower back.  With arms overhead, the shoulders get a gentle stretch.  Turn the palms up to increase the shoulder stretch.

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