Having problems with Digestion?
May 25, 2020
Growing up with a sensitive stomach, and now having a son who is lactose intolerant, I've figured out some ways to help the body feel better after it eats. I even stopped chewing gum as I would take in too much air and be hiccuping ten minutes later.
Of course, if you have real digestive issues, you should seek professional guidance as I am not a health care professional. You may have food allergies that you are unaware or have another issue that can be treated professionally.
These are just a few tips that I have picked up over the years from my reading and asking registered dietitians.
1. Chew well! When you study the digestive system in school, the first thing that they teach you is that digestion begins in the mouth. We must help to break down our food by chewing well and allow our saliva to work its magic.
2. Water is amazing and of course, we desperately need it for our body systems to work, however, it can dilute your digestive juices. If digestion is a real problem for you, you may consider not drinking water 30 minutes before meals until 30 minutes after you have finished.
3. Sit down and eat at a table if you can. Sitting helps your body to prepare for digestion by allowing you to eat thoughtfully. If you can, put your fork down between bites. I watch people eat super fast while standing up and often hear them belching quickly afterward. :)
4. Pay attention to what you are doing. These days we are all eating in front of the television or looking at our phones while we eat. This is not a good idea if you have problems digesting. Honestly, it's not a good idea. period.
5. Take digestive enzymes or acidophilus to help you keep the good intestinal flora doing their job.
6. Finally, take a nice, relaxing walk after dinner. You don't want to exercise too hard as you will get a stomachache and have a hard time falling asleep. A little movement, however, is a good thing.
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