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If eyes are the windows to the soul, how do we keep them healthy?

body Aug 06, 2018

The Do's:

1.  Wear sunglasses outdoors.  

Even your eyes need protection from the sun.  Rachel Bishop, MD., chief of the consult services section of the National Eye Institute in Bethesda, Maryland says UV exposure can put you at a higher risk of cataracts which clouds vision.  It can also cause thickening of the eye tissue, and skin cancer around the eyes.  Look for lenses with UVA and UVB coatings.

2.  Wash your hands when putting in and removing contacts. 

3.  Quit smoking. 

Smoking increases the risk of macular degeneration

4.  Flush your eyes with water if something gets in them.  

5.  Wear protective goggles when working with hazardous materials.

6:  See an eye doctor.

  Both macular degeneration and glaucoma (loss of peripheral vision) are among the leading causes of blindness.  "Both can be slowed if caught early," says Natasha Hertz, MD  clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology.  

People with High blood pressure and diabetes should see their doctor yearly.  

The Don'ts:

1.  Avoid headstands and inversions if you have glaucoma.

 These poses increase eye pressure dramatically. 

Good rule of thumb:  

Follow the 20-20-20 rule  

This is super important in today's world. Every 20 minutes take a twenty second break from staring at a close screen and look 20 feet into the distance.  It helps your eyes rest, refocus, and rehydrate.   


Reference:  Realsimple 5/2016, author Jessica Cassity, 

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