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spirit Mar 24, 2018

This ancient form of mindful practice is making a comeback, though I am not sure it ever left. I think of meditation as anything that calms the mind for 5 or more minutes. Some people chant, some people go for a hike by themselves without music, some people sit calmly and breathe slowly and deeply, you get the idea.

 Westerners think it will help with focus, and therefore, it will help them to achieve more.  Others link it to connecting to a higher power. I like to think it helps to create a little pause where we can stop and reflect before we react. This is helpful whether we are communicating with someone or deciding if we want to eat that Oreo.

Pamela Peek, MD., MPH, explained in her lecture at last year's IDEA conference that people who take a few minutes to "check in with themselves," whether through meditation, mindfulness, breathing, etc. have less inflammation in the body as compared to those who do not.  Both subject groups ate clean and exercised consistently.  As a scientist, she believes this is proof of the physical benefits as inflammation in the body can cause illness.  

There are numerous apps that you can download on your phone that provide meditations and are a great way to begin practice. Headspace is probably the most well known.  Here in Los Angeles, people attend meditation classes and they are becoming quite the thing to do. I’m sure they are offered at local libraries and community centers elsewhere and probably free or little charge.

My husband, ever the future thinker, has taken on meditation as a project. He will meditate daily for one year. Well, he is 3/4 through already! As his wife, I can tell you he is a lot easier to live with. Maybe it’s his pride of accomplishment or maybe it is because his mind chatters a bit less. I just know that I love it and we have a happier family to show for it!

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